Run Barbados Weekend – a special message from Coach G

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Greetings FitFam,

What an awesome weekend. So many members, and the box itself, have exceeded expectations.
A really great and inspiring turnout by the membership for the events of the Run Barbados weekend, bringing the competitive side of the year to an end.
I know many of you crushed your previous personal bests. A member told me 11 minutes off her last 10K time.
Some personal targets that persons thought may never have been attained were attained.
Where there wasn’t a PB ( as in my case) there was still a tremendous satisfaction in participation and being a part of something great. Moms, MERI, Endurance squad, ADP, Games Prep- this weekend we were CFIF.
If it wasn’t known before it was known today- The Sport Of Fitness Has Arrived! And they ain’t seen nuttin yet!
We have brought the big Digicel CEO Challenge Cup home to IslandFitHQ, where it will spend the next year……. at least. There are already rumblings that us taking that was in some way unfair. Our CEO was just that – a CEO of a new, vibrant company. So happens that our business is bringing home trophies!!!
There has been a lot of hardware collected over the weekend. Finishers medals, challenge medals and age group prizes. We want a picture of them ALL, along with the Digicel CEO Trophy. We are asking you all to label your medals and bring them to HQ next time you visit. By Saturday we will start giving them back to you. We know what they mean to you and will respect that.
Coach P has said, “Every finish line is the start line for another race”
The late, great, GIANT Nelson Mandela ended his book “Long Walk to Freedom” by saying (the italics are my additions)- “I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me ( to revel in my fitness), to look back at the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom (fitness) comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended.”
So, what next? One of my greatest sporting activities. The Great Train Run! Held mid February last year was a tremendous experience as we traversed Bridgetown to Belleplaine, 40K, as a team in a relay across the old train route. Unfortunately the organizer has said he doesn’t plan to do so next year but should anyone else (Hash House Harriers are contemplating) do so, CrossFit IslandFit will put out a number of teams. Meanwhile some of our members continue to prepare for the Miami Marathon.
So, once again everyone, congratulations. Keep WODing and keep having fun.
Coach G

CFIF Shoe Collection Drive

CFIF Shoe Collection Drive

Dear Fit Fam,

Run Barbados is over and Christmas is rapidly descending on us. This is the time when we often trade in our old foot wear and make way for something new. We have started an initiative at IslandFitHQ- Covering Feet Inspiring Fitness- whereby we hope to collect used shoes in reasonable condition and distribute them to the needy. The primary focus is adult athletic wear but all shoes are welcomed.
We are aware that many people change shoes because of:
  • Style
  • On-line orders that didn’t fit right
  • Recommended mileage exceeded
  • Brand loyalty etc
Very often these shoes are still is reasonable condition.
Please support the cause.
 – Garth McIntyre